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Curabitur at elit Vestibulum

Curabitur at elit Vestibulum
25 May, 2020

Suspendisse posuere, diam in bibendum lobortis, turpis ipsum aliquam risus, sit amet dictum ligula lorem non nisl. Ut vitae nibh id massa vulputate euismod ut quis justo. Ut bibendum sem at massa lacinia, eget elementum ante consectetur. Nulla id pharetra dui, at rhoncus urna. Maecenas non porttitor purus. Nullam ullamcorper nisl quis ornare molestie.

Etiam eget erat est. Phasellus elit justo, mattis non lorem non, aliquam aliquam ps. Sed fermentum consectetur magna, eget semper ante. Aliquam scelerisque justo velit. Fusce cursus blandit dolor, in sodales urna vulputate lobortis. Nulla ut tellus turpis. Nullam lacus sem, volutpat id odio sed, cursus tristique eros. Duis at pellentesque magna. Donec magna nisi, vulputate ac nulla eu, ultricies tincidunt tellus. Nunc tincidunt sem urna, nec venenatis libero vehicula ut.

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Information and instructions


The Ouija board, which mediums use to communicate with spirits, as it exists today, was invented in the 19th century. It depicts the alphabet, numbers, and the words "yes" and "no." There may be other symbols as well. It is suppos

A séance kit consists of two things: a board with drawings, letters and numbers, and a pointer in the shape of a heart with a hole in the middle. The session is conducted in the company of several people (at least two of them). Participants sit around and lightly touch the pointer with their fingertips. One person asks a question, and the pointer begins to move - it means that the spirits have heard and respond. After some time in the hole one will be able to see a word, a letter, a number or a sequence of them - this is the answer to the question. In addition, the slider can simply point with the sharp tip to some symbol.

  • The design of this Ouija board comes from an original made by and belonging to the wizard Anna "Ulvadotter" in Hälsingland in the early 1900s. The wood is pine and was specially selected from the forests of her home region. It is pressed and specially treated, then milled out with modern tools, and then surface treated and absorption varnished (hypoallergenic) to last. Most of it is handcrafted and therefore there may be slight variations in colour and appearance. No two are exactly alike and each one is numbered. It also includes a pointer, a candle and full instructions for use
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